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气质唯美的英文签名带翻译女生专属 Who

发布时间:2023-04-25 12:16:28源自:http://www.zheyouxi.com作者:说说控阅读(315)

1、I always guess, what is the future

2、Will there be that one day, you left me

3、There is no denying that you are still the protagonist of all my memories. 不可否认,你依旧是我所有记忆的主角。

4、Love must need ourpatience。 爱情需要付出耐心

5、How good I want to make you not forget for a moment? (我要有多好才能让你念念不忘 )

6、Dye never-failing threads, missing only in suddenly

7、Can your self-esteem and my stubborn reconciliation. 你的自尊能和我的倔强和好如初吗。

8、What is love? Maybe when you are waiting, love is here. 等待,也许就是爱情本身。

9、There is always a time in life, full of fear, but in addition to the courage to face, we have no choice. 生命中总有那么一段时光,充满恐惧,可是除了勇敢面对,我们别无选择。

10、Distance doesn't bring beauty but explains the fragile love. 距离,产生的不是美,而是

11、I understand. I just do not care. 我明白,只是,我不在乎。

12、Thosethathavegonewon'tcomebackagain.Thosecomingbackarenolongerperfect. 过去的不再回来,回来的不再完美。"

13、The ibportant thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it

14、The first step of strong is to end melodramatic. 强大第一步,矫情先结束。

15、Perhaps not miss the old time but the old days did not mention the love. 也许一直怀念的不是旧时光而是旧时光里绝口不提的爱。

16、But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, all losses are restored, and sorrows end、只要我一想起你,亲爱的人,所有的失落和遗憾烟消云散。

17、无论发生什么,都要面朝阳光,心怀希望。Whatever happens we should turn towards the sun and keep hope in o

18、Become a regret, maybe it will be remembered by you for a long time.成为一种遗憾,或许会被你铭记很久

19、我孤独成性因为我厌恶人心。NO RAIN PLEASE

20、Do my best, love you all. 尽我所能 爱你所有

21、I loved you. I leave you. I’ll miss you. 曾经爱过你。现在我走了。将来,我还会想念你。

22、How you tried to set them free

23、If one day you lost me, I‘ll never let you find me. 如果有一天你把我弄丢了,那我就永远让你找不到我。

24、Reserve one meter sunshine and tap my heart window. 预订一米阳光,轻敲我的心窗。

25、A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed 患难之交才是真真的朋友

26、Try to convince yourself to understand the people and things around you.(尽量说服自己去理解身边的人和

27、I only want to be myely. 我只想做我自己。

28、Did not say that is more than sad. 没有说出口的何止是心酸。

29、blistering 可恶的,该死的

30、Love is like an hourglass with the heart filling up as the brain empti爱情就像沙漏,心满了

31、[ Rely on I don't need your false! ] 我不需要你那虚伪的依靠

32、A lot of things, we can be touched, but can not shed tears

33、If you care about what others think of you, then you will always be their slave. 总在乎其他人怎么看你,那你会一直是他人的奴隶。

34、Lovers become friends after all

35、Dear past, stop tapping me on the shoulders.I don’t want to look back. 亲爱的过去,请别再后面拍打我的肩膀了。我不想再回头。

36、The pain to the extreme is no tears. 原来痛到极点是没有眼泪的。

37、It will hurt but I will survive. 伤会痛 但我还要生存。

38、The most beautiful three characters are not I love you, but I still. 最美的三个字不是我爱你,而是我还在。

39、Efforts may not change your life, but, my life must strive

40、Silence love secretly shed so many tears 沉默等爱的人到底暗自流下了多少眼泪。

41、Touch the air once again miss you breath. 用手触摸空气,再一次怀念你的气息。

42、I would rather a person.我宁愿一个人。

43、I came to your city , went through the way you passed

44、Take the luggage for you but don't know the direction. 带上行李寻你 却不知方向。

45、I miss you but I still miss you 我想你但我还是错过了你。

46、Something you will realize only when you do it,when you makemistakes or when you grow up

47、Stop trying to find a rewind. It is life, not a movie. 别妄想着倒带,这是生活,不是电影。

48、First I need your hand, then forever can begin. 我需要牵着你的手,才能告诉你什么是永远。

49、Don't say you love me, unless you really mean it. 请不要轻易说爱我,除非你是认真的。

50、heard that it is very easy to be happy, as could be diluted with time going on

51、why not go of attachment 为何执着的不放掉。

52、你不去面对又怎么能去改变呢。 You cannot change what you refuse to confront。

53、Why take dignity to retain a changed heart. 何必拿尊严去挽留一个变了心的人。

54、The rest of your life is still long. 余生还长,幸识,以后请多关照。

55、I don't think whether can succeed, since the choice of the distance, they only trials and hardships. 我不去想是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程

56、ough times do not last, but tough people do. 痛苦的时日不会长久,但坚强的人会一直坚强。

57、We become the most familiar strangers. 我们变成了最熟悉的陌生人。

58、Time heals almost everything. Give time time.时间几乎会愈合所有事情,请给时间一点时间。

59、Einfache, die ich über Betreuung. 简简单单,一句我在乎。

60、在希望中会出现绝望,而绝望中也会产生希望Despair arises in hope, and hope arises in despair

61、The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost. 害怕失去之时,就是爱开始之时。

62、A year later we will meet like strangers just smile and pass by. 一年之后见面我们会不会像陌生人一样仅仅笑一下便擦肩而过。

63、Who gives us meet but not concurrently give us forever. 是谁赐我们遇见 却不一并赠我们永远。

64、If love, time and distance, will not hinder. 若爱,时间和距离,都不会是阻碍。

65、我像个没生命的玩偶,被人丢弃在垃圾旁边 I like an inanimate doll, abandoned in the garbage

66、Painful but not silent but not language. 痛而不言,笑而不语。

67、I am alwayswaiting for you,for your turning around

68、She who has never loved, has never lived.人活着总要爱一回。

69、Easy to communicate with you。沟通你我 没有距离

70、Sometimes you have to stop thinking too much and just go where your heart takes you. ——有时候,我们不要想太多,顺着自己的心意就好了。

71、Don'tfearyouforsake,justafraidoflosingyou. 不是怕你丢弃,只是怕失去你。

72、I want to be your sun around you. 我想做你的太阳陪伴在你身旁。

73、Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Change can be changed, accept can not be changed. 记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。

74、Met is the beginning but also left the countdown. 遇见是开始却也是离开的倒计时。

75、Tears clean the face of the weak but refresh the strong. 弱者以泪洗面,强者因泪振作。

76、时光不染,回忆不淡。Time does not dye,Memor

77、Fireworks rain lane, whose kite is broken line, who really injured

78、LUHAN 有木有人

79、Like you see my feeling, like your smile. 喜欢你看我的感觉,喜欢你微笑的直接。

80、Time Is a Great Thing, Can Let Fate Displaced Within Iraq. 时间真是个伟大的东西啊可以让命运颠沛流离

81、She is not even in his world but in her world he is the only one.Fair does not exist in this world. 他的世界没有她,她的世界只有他。世界就是这样,从来没有公平可言。

82、No pain, no gain天下事没有不劳而获的东西。

83、Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul? 当我一无所有,遍体鳞伤,你是否爱我如故?

84、Sometimes parting is for meeting,It's like the end is for the beginning. 有时候离别是为了相逢,就像结束也是为了开始。

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