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发布时间:2023-05-13 17:29:39源自:http://www.zheyouxi.com作者:说说控阅读(237)

1、The kiss of love is a deep hug. 对爱的人 接吻要深 拥抱要真。

2、You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not. 你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你。

3、Like the sun because it’s warm, warm heart went to unknown pain. 喜欢阳光是因为它很暖,暖到了心底,暖去了不知名的疼痛。

4、We walked slowly, even happiness are worried. 我们走得很慢,连幸福都着急。

5、Vows of eternal love,Also can separate. 海枯石烂,亦会分开

6、At that time I, also s

7、我走向了你,暮色千里皆是我的伏笔。I came to you, twilight thousands of miles are my foreshadowing

8、Empty promises will wear. 空洞的承诺总会磨损殆尽。

9、Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have. 幸福不会眷顾那些不珍惜拥有的人。

10、If I can be pure all the way to the end.如果我可以一路单纯到底。

11、Love starts with a smile, develops with a kiss and ends with a tear. 爱情因一个微笑而发生,因一吻而滋长,最後因一滴眼泪而终结。

12、If the whole world betrayed you, I will hide behind you, betraying the world

13、Please do not be in love with someone else. 请你不要爱上别人。

14、Love was two people in ancient times, was not a person's one's own wishful thinking. 爱情是两个人的天荒地老,不是一个人的一厢情愿。

15、Ilovedyou...truly,deeplydid...andsuddenly,Ifeltnothing. 我爱过你,真的、深深的爱过。但突然,所有感觉都没了。

16、有一种思念叫只关注不打扰。There is a miss call only concern not disturb

17、Obviously very like, but not close to. 明明动了情,却不敢靠近。

18、I wait for you to come back. 我等你回来。

19、Some scenery can only be like but can not be collected 有些风景只能喜欢却不能收藏。

20、Delay is the deadliest form of denial. 拖延是最彻底的拒绝。

21、Love you as you fade all pride. 喜欢你才为你褪去所有的傲气。

22、Where else…am I gonna go? 哪里还有…我的容身之处呢? 《暮光之城》

23、The person who loves you won't let you wait until he can't wait. 爱你的人不会让你等待他只会迫不及待。

24、I know I am not qualified, but I just want to know you. 我知道我没有资格,但我只想了解你。

25、A lot of things, we can be touched, but can not shed tears. 很多事情,我们可以感动,却不能流泪。

26、Time can heal a broken heart, but time can also break a waiting heart. 时间能治愈一颗受伤的心,但时间也会碾碎一颗等待的心。

27、I could be everything you need say,what you wanna hear 我可以变成你想要的任何东西说你想听的任何话。

28、I like to present myself, I miss our past. 我喜欢现在的自己,我怀念过去的我们。

29、Can let me forget about the past, he is my future.能让我忘记过去的人他就是我的未来。

30、A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first stebr 千里之行,始于足下。

31、In fact I really miss some people,something of some time. 其实我很想念某些时候的某些人某些事。

32、Even lonely all laugh at me cowardly. 连孤独都嘲笑我懦弱。

33、You said you love me but i just love me 你说你爱我,但我只爱我

34、A word of goodbye, two of the world. 一句再见,两个世界。

35、Do not need better than it is now just now so good. 不需要比现在好,只要现在这样就好。

36、Love, living things, is you let me know! 爱情,扯淡的东西,是你让我懂得!

37、the ugly always make more troubles(丑人多作怪,.,)

38、You are the king in my world. 在我的世界里你是王。

39、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them. 失去某人最糟糕的莫过于 他近在身旁却犹如远在天边。

40、My thoughts are deep into you 我深深地想念著你

41、Even if the world barren, there will be a is you of believers! 就算世界荒芜,也会有个是你的信徒

42、我像个没生命的玩偶,被人丢弃在垃圾旁边 I like an inanimate doll, abandoned in the garbage

43、She likes him. He likes her. Everyone knows, except them. 她喜欢他,他喜欢她。所有人都知道,除了他们

44、Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today. 今日事,今日毕。

45、My temper off a lot of people but the most people really 我的脾气赶走了很多人 但留下了最真的人。

46、Every Moment We Stay Together Stay In My Mind,Still Fantasy。 每时每刻,在我的脑海里仍然幻想我们待在一起。

47、From now on you and I take a different road,we will not meet each other all our life. 从此你我殊途,一生不再相遇。

48、Love is a double-edged sword only memory most hurt

49、Sorry,I have been used to the things which I'm not supposed to. 对不起,我已经习惯了不该习惯的习惯

50、Sometimes you just have to hold your head up high, blink away the tears and say goodbye. 有时候,你只需要抬头挺胸,忍住泪水,并道声再见。

51、Time tries all things. 时间检验一切

52、let's find some beautiful placeto get lost . "找一个美丽的地方,一起私奔吧“

53、The truly rich are those who enjoy what they have.真正富

54、Something last for a long time will become a habit. 一件事持续久了就会成为习惯

55、Some smiles are

56、你眼里灿若星河,可是偏偏没有我。You can see the stars in You eyes,but is no me。

57、Every thing means something. 每件事都有它的意义。

58、There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs. 【vs】 成功没有电梯,只有一步一个脚印。

59、我记得曾经的你是爱我的。——I remember you used to love me

60、I can do am not many, but you need time, I always. 能做的不多,但你需要的时候,我总是在的。

61、Let I have been watching over him until the end of life(就让我一直守护着他,直到生命结束)

62、Pale moonlight, I declare lonely and shadow. 苍白的月光下,我和影子述说寂寞。

63、The so-called difficulty, is difficult to be trapped in the home, the so-called way out, is to go out for a walk on the road. 所谓困难,就是困在家里万事难;所谓出路,就是出去走走就有路。

64、Just for once I want someone to be afraid of losing Me. 我也想有个人会害怕失去我,哪怕只有一

65、Take risks. If you win; you will be happy. If you lose; you will be wise. 冒险是值得的。如果赢了,你会得到快乐;如果输了,你会得到智慧。

66、Behind every girl's favorite song is an untold story. 每个女孩最喜欢的歌背后,都有个没讲述的故事。

67、Do not have to because of yesterday's tears wet today's sun. 不必因昨天的眼泪湿了今天的太阳。

68、Lifeless, faultless. 只有死人才不犯错误。

69、Committed a fault, suffered wounds, not to hide, they can disappear. 犯过的错,受过的伤口,并不是将其掩盖,就能够消失的。

70、Out water slide with a smile. 微笑着凭眼角流水滑落。

71、What's the big deal, drink a beer away sad. 也没什么大不了的,喝口啤酒冲走心酸。

72、Hans your smile,had been flurried my time passag.谢谢你的微笑,曾慌乱过我的年华。

73、I left because you never asked me to stay. 我离开是因为你从

74、Just to mature, but also old, time, not by. 刚要成熟,又要老去,时光,好不经用。

75、The best way to love yourself is to let yourself be good. 爱自己最好的方式就是让自己变得优秀

76、You never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have。 【vs】 不到没有退路之时,你永远不会知道自己有多强大。

77、Heartless laugh, was the best thing that I have. 没心没肺的笑,是我拥有的最美好的东西。

78、Nothing can be more beautiful than the smile free from tears. 世上最美的,莫过于从泪水中挣脱出来的那个微笑。

79、Never give up on someone that you can’t go a day without thinking about. 永远别放弃一个你每天都在想念的人。

80、Rehearse a play 演一场戏。

81、I will use my original heart to accompany you to complish the longest journey. 我会用最初的心,陪你走最远的路。

82、Just believe you are the best of the world。///你要相信你是世上最好的。

83、Bow is not to admit defeat but to see their own way 低头不是认输 而是为了看清自己的路

84、Love you is not my intention. I try to be alone, but I can't stop missing you. 爱你,不是我有意的。我试着孤独,却止不住思念。

85、Said the sentence to sorry, was only base and low oneself. 说句对不起,只是卑微了自己。

86、You will never understand why I have that mighty proud. 你们永远不懂,我为何拥有不可一世的骄傲。

87、I am your lucky the exdusive!我是你心目中的幸运女神!

88、man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。

89、Ever of lover, now the passers-by 【曾经的恋人,如今的路人】

90、The only limit is your imagination. 唯一的局限是你的想象力。

91、I give what I want,but I don't want to go back. 我的付出都是甘愿,但是也不愿意再回头了。

92、Softhearted is sick, but you are life. 心软是病,可你是命

93、Silence is the best answer defamation

94、Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties. 爱情就像沙漏,心满了,脑子


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