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发布时间:2023-07-04 21:15:27源自:http://www.zheyouxi.com作者:说说控阅读(271)

1、I would rather be fat in a delicate way than be slim like everyone else. 宁可胖的精致,也不要瘦的雷同。

2、Every day I miss you. It is a hard time for me to miss you but it

3、If I see you next to never,how can we say forever. 【vs】 若你我今生无法再见,又怎说相约到永远。

4、Sometimes it's just a person's affair. Nothing to do with anyone. Love, or didn't love, only to break up. 感情有时候只是一个人的事情。和任何人无关。爱,或者不爱,只能自行了断。

5、In my dream,you are my love

6、I love you, have no purpose. Just love you. 我爱你,没有什么目的。就是爱你。


8、You love me you will die. 你喜欢我你会死啊?

9、Since you unintentionally I should let it go. 你既然无心,我也该放手。

10、Your vows of eternal love is just a perfunctory, my soul is life. 你的海誓山盟只是一时敷衍,我的全心全意却是一生一世。

11、Don't frown you most precious I can give you want (你别皱眉你最珍贵你要的我都给)

12、Love,It would have to be to you. 爱,它只属于你。

13、There is always a lierso In my heart. [总有一个人 常驻我心]

14、I never need you, don't need you then insincere words 我从来都不需要你,不需要你那假惺惺的话语。

15、Don't let the time break our youth. 不要让时间冲散我们的青春。

16、Your love is a dream, but a real pain. 你的爱是个梦,却有真实。

17、“The past cannot be chased, and time is the fairest, no matter who it is.” “过去是追不走到的,时间

18、Go for it! = Just do it! 加油!向前冲!做了再说!

19、Thought is already is late, exactly is the earliest time. 觉得为时已晚的时候,恰恰是最早的时候。

20、I'm okay is a girl's biggest lie. 我很好,是一个女孩最大的谎言。

21、One who frequently looks back can nit go far. 一个频频回头的人,是走不了远路的。

22、Ever of lover, now the passers-by . 曾经的恋人,如今的路人。

23、Being hurt by the truth is better than comforted by the lies. 被真相伤害,总比被谎言安慰要好。

24、Can not be the same as before, to send the mail yesterday to today. 能不能像以前一样,邮寄昨天交给今天。

25、With you just I don't want to give anyone the chance

26、I will be here for you all the time. 我会在这儿,一直为你。

27、I was the love, only interprets the supporting role of tragedy of that person. 我是这场爱情的配角,唯一诠释了悲剧的那个人。

28、Love is like the wind, I can’t see it,but I can feel it . 爱就像一阵风,虽然看不到,但却能感觉得到

29、Regardless of the outcome,I have been very grateful to meet. 不论结局,我已经很感谢相遇。

30、Stay up late and you're far away. 【vs】 熬夜的瘾和遥远的你。

31、No matter how tough, life should be smiling. 不管有多难熬,人生都要眉眼带笑。

32、Any unhappy is a waste of time.——任何不快乐的时光都是浪费。

33、No love without you how forget how to cry. 没有爱怎么忘没有你怎么哭。

34、Promise more, not to be, that is just a lie. 承诺再多,做不到,那也只不过还是谎言。

35、Yesterday, today you let not again find you. 昨天把你放开,今天不一定再把你找到。

36、Do not know how high the sky is until one climbs up the tops of mountains,and do not know how thick the earth is until one comes to the deep river. 不登高山,不知天之高也;不临深溪,不知天之厚也。

37、Keep things don't leave love you prefer students to dig out from the heart and don't expect. 留不住的东西就不要再留 不心疼你的人宁愿从心里生生挖出来也别再奢求。

38、However long the night, the dawn will break. 不管黑夜有多长,天亮总会到来。

39、Time is a great thing, can let fate displaced within Iraq. 时间真是个伟大的东西啊,可以让命运颠沛流离。

40、See through you and her 看透了你和她。

41、Love is being stupid together

42、If you make a mistake, start over, not from scratch.(错了就从新开始,而不是重新开始)

43、Life, that one of the most reluctant, always hidden deepest. 生命里,最舍不得的那一页,总是藏得最深。

44、I'm the only one who can company with you to the end of life. 除了我,每个人都不适合与你白头到老。

45、give you wha

46、Those have most power to hurt us, that we love. 我们所爱的人,却最具有伤害我们的力量。

47、He is the sun,deep hug will hurt 【 他是太阳, 深拥必伤。】

48、I feel sad, I love the people did not trust me to let qualifications. 我都觉得可悲,我最爱的人都没了让我信任的资格。

49、Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful. I miss y


50、Two people along the street up, who also don't stay. (两个人沿着街一直走,谁也不许再停留

51、Beauty is like a rich stone best plain

52、If we fell in love again I swear I'd love you right

53、If we don't have the guts to try anything, what's the meaning of life. 如果我们任何事情都没有勇气去

54、Expectation is the root of all heartache. 期待,是所有心痛的根源。

55、You give me a cave, surrounded by the rain. 真正的自由,是由自己給的!

56、Always be happy. Nothing bad ever happens. 时刻保持开心,没有永远糟糕的事

57、I'm proud of you shed a suit but you turned to her smile . 我为你褪去一身骄傲你却转身对她微笑

58、We often talk about fate, but in fact is the fate we missed each other. 我们常常讲缘分,但其实是缘分让我们错过了彼此。

59、Sometimes words cannot express the burden of our heart. ——有时候,心中所承受之重是无法用言语来表达的。

60、Honesty is the best policy. 诚实才是上策。

61、Real girls aren’t perfect. Perfect girls aren’t real. 真实的女孩不完美,完美的女孩不真实。

62、If you w

63、Home is where the heart is. Make sure whoever you love is never homeless. 心在哪,家就在哪。所以一定不要让你爱的人,变得无家可归。

64、That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand. ——有时候,一个人想要的只是一只可握的手和一颗理解的心。

65、Love is not love is not only the most important to get along. 爱不爱是其次,相处不累才最重要。

66、If through time,through love. 倘若看透时光看透爱。

67、Happiness is time precipitation, smile is the lonely sad

68、A hug distance is exactly right for me when thoughts freeze. 一个拥抱的距离,恰恰是我对的思念冻结之时。

69、Love is the salt of life.爱情是生命的盐

70、The meaning of life is that it stops

71、If you can lend me to my warm embrace I wish I accompanied you. 如若你能借我拥抱予我温暖我愿还你一世陪伴。

72、Try to quit all unnecessary reliance and glass hearts. 努力戒掉一切不必要的依赖和玻璃心。

73、Never say never, all things are possible. 永远别说永远,凡事都有可能。

74、A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have. 好朋友就像四叶草一样,要找到很艰难,如果得到却很幸运。

75、Sooner or later, we will be passed 迟早有一天,我们会擦肩而过

76、When you do right, no one will remember; when you do wrong, even breathing is wrong. 当你做对的时候,没有人会记得;当你做错的时候,连呼吸都是错。

77、I chose not to disappear from the scene you mention. 我选择了销声匿迹不再把你提起。


78、Ever of lover, now the passers-by 【曾经的恋人,如今的路人】

79、Out water slide with a smile. 微笑着凭眼角流水滑落。

80、Windy and rainy day, it carries a heavy life; clear days, more suitable for quiet understanding. 有风有雨的日子,才承载了生命的厚重;风轻云淡的日子,更适于静静领悟。

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